Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's Just Lunch

 I have always loved hummus, but I don't usually get the chance to eat it because of two things. One, it's a little expensive, and two, my mom doesn't like it so she doesn't think to buy it. I've seen recipes going around Pinterest and have been meaning to try some for a while now, and I just got around to it because of "It's Just Lunch!" I had read lots of recipes and they all called for tahini, which is expensive. I looked up substitutes and got mixed responses. Some people say peanut butter would be a terrible substitute and the money to buy tahini is worth it, others say you can't taste the difference. So I decided just to try it and if it was terrible, well that was the point of this blog post series! So I mixed it all up and I think it's pretty good! I'll have to play around with the flavors a little bit, I think I'll browse the refrigerator section for inspiration! 

Hummus (found and adapted from this recipe)

1/4 C Peanut Butter
1/4 C Lemon Juice
1 Garlic Clove
1 t Salt
1 Can Chickpeas
Paprika and Olive Oil for serving

Drain and rinse your chickpeas. Empty the can into a small pot and cover with water, so there is about an inch over the peas. Boil for 10-15 minutes or until soft. Drain the water, but keep it aside to add later. If you have a food processor you should use that, but since I didn't I used a handheld mixer and a bowl. I tried using a blender, but I found the mixer worked better. Mix the peanut butter, lemon juice, garlic, and salt together in the bowl. Add softened chickpeas and mix. At this point your hummus will be pretty dry. Add the cooking water a little at a time until you like the consistency. I added between 1/4-1/2 C of water. Mix until smooth. This will take a while, just be patient :) Add whatever other flavors you like, I sprinkled paprika, olive oil, and chili powder on mine. Enjoy with whatever you'd like to dip in your hummus!

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