
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pinterest Weekend Installment Three: Book Docks

If you missed Pinterest Weekend Installment One (backpacks) and two (silverware jewelry) you can find them here and here.
 After finishing our jewelry we moved on to the next project on the list: book docks! We started with two books from the thrift store for 50 cents each. We used these instructions to make them. It's actually very easy, all you have to do is be patient enough to make it happen. I wasn't as patient as I could have been so I'm not amazingly happy with the way mine turned out, but it will do for now :) I mean, for 50 cents I can try again in a couple weeks with no harm done! If I try to make another one I will definitely take more time. I think I'd also put the hole farther back on the book. The way it is now it leans forward a little, putting a lot of strain on the spine of the book. I didn't get any pictures of Gabby's finished product, but her's looks awesome too!

 Gabby was super happy she was almost done!

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  1. OMG! Where the heck did u find this AWESOME tute? I LOVE this concept!! It looks GREAT! Good Job Ladies!

  2. Oh DUH! "these instructions"!! I get it & I GOT the instructions! I'm SO doing this this weekend!!! Thanks!

    1. I'm so glad you found them! Feel free to link to your finished project in the comments, I'd love to see it!


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