
Friday, March 1, 2013

Silicone Baking Cups

So you might have heard that my dad broke his arm recently. My mom and I were gone at the time, and my sister is obviously at school, so he was by himself. Fortunately, lots of people that he works with were kind enough to bring him food while we were gone and he was hurt. Guess what that means... (by the way, I love the guessing game; my mother hates it...) Anyway, it means I had to make those people thank you presents! What a sacrifice, I know. I had to get the recipe from a friend because I left my chocolate cook-book in Columbia, but it all worked out. I give you "Chocolate Dream Cups!" Aren't they fabulous? It's all edible: the cup, the mousse, the Andes Mint, everything. I'll even include the recipe, just because I'm nice like that, you can thank me later. :)
Chocolate Dream Cups
1 C Chocolate Chips
1 t Shortening (do not use butter!)
Melt these together in the microwave stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Thickly coat cupcake liners with chocolate and chill 10-15 minutes. Touch up thin spots and chill 2 hours or overnight. Fill with chocolate mousse.
Chocolate Mousse
1 t Unflavored Gelatin
1 T Cold Water
2 T Boiling Water
1/2 C Sugar
1/4 C Cocoa
1 C Cold Whipping Cream
1 t Vanilla Extract
Sprinkle gelatin over cold water and let stand 1 minute to soften. Add boiling water (hint, don't try to pour boiling water into a Tablespoon, you will burn yourself. It will hurt.) Stir until all the gelatin is dissolved and mixture is clear. Let stand to cool. Meanwhile, stir together sugar and cocoa. Add whipping cream and vanilla. Mix on medium speed until stiff. Add the gelatin mixture and beat until well blended. Spoon or pipe into chocolate cups. Chill until set (at least an hour). Enjoy!

What, you might be wondering, does this have to do with silicone baking cups? Well, I'm glad you asked. While at Wal-Mart yesterday getting the supplies for these baking cups I saw these silicone baking cups next to the normal cupcake liners. I had heard great things about them and they were only $4 for 8 of them, so why not, right? I am now addicted. They are SO MUCH BETTER than normal cupcake liners!! It's fantastic. I will be buying more. I had a dream last night that I tore one and I almost cried. Thank goodness it was just a dream, right?? I totally recommend getting some if you like baking. It is totally worth it. 
 Just a picture of how they turned out to make you jealous ;) 

 This is a comparison of a silicone versus a normal cupcake liner. Not much of a competition, huh?

Also, now that I'm totally addicted to these silicone things, I had to use them again. Thank you, Pinterest (I'm addicted), for these little puppies! Pancake muffins. Let me tell you: you will not be able to just eat one. Ever. So. Dang. Delicious. It's just a normal pancake mix with whatever you want in them baked at 350 for 12-15 minutes. I over-filled mine a little because I didn't want to have two pans, because I don't have two cupcake pans, but they still were super awesome! The next time I make them I will mix the toppings in with the batter though, because just dropping them on top left them on top, and then the rest of your pancake/muffin just tastes like a pancake. Which is still good, but not as good as a blueberry pancake/muffin.

I also made some with chocolate chips, and they were also delicious. When my mother tried these she said, "These are good, surprisingly!" To which I responded, "That's kind of an insult..." At least she thinks they're good now!

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