
Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Report Card

So I have to admit, my report card for this month isn't exactly a passing grade... But February flew by, so hopefully March will go better!

1) Get motivated to do school/don't get behind: B
I'm not behind in English (which is my most important class so I get double points for that), and I'm only a teensy bit behind in Economics and Physics.

2) Go to the gym at least 5 days a week (not including the week-long college trip): D
Yeah, that didn't happen... But with a new month comes new motivation!

3) Successfully complete college tour trip: A+
It was SUPER fun!! I had a blast and found two colleges that I really like!

4) Stop being so stressed out: B-
I've realized that stress isn't exactly something you can turn on and off. But I'm working on giving everything to God and releasing my stress to Him!

And for March my goals will be:

1) Put $200 towards my trip to the Dominican Republic (hear that parents? I'm completely available for babysitting!!)

2) Finish English with an A

3) Catch up on Economics and Physics

4) Run three times a week

Feel free to send me texts/facebook messages/email/phone calls to keep me accountable! I'd love it!

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