
Sunday, March 10, 2013

New York City!!!!

Anyone want to guess what I got for my birthday? Only the BEST PRESENT EVER!!! A trip to New York City to see a Broadway play!!! I thought I'd share some pictures from my trip, but if you'd like to see them all check Facebook! 

My Sis and I, right after we got to our hotel

Grand Central Station! Can you find my mom and sister?

I admit- I am an unashamed Foodie :) 
These fries were delicious! 

This is what I wore the beginning of the day. Pink jeans, chevron top, black jacket, giant purple scarf (thank you Emily Rose!, the traveling earrings, and converse

Seeing Time Square at night has always been a dream of mine
Waiting in line to see the play 

Me and my momma 
Me and my sister
 We weren't allowed to take pictures during the play so I thought I'd share a little of  my experience. It was AMAZING!! I cannot imagine anything better. It was so cool. Best Birthday Present EVER! While watching I remember thinking two distinct things: 1) there goes fainting off my list. It'll never happen now. If I was ever going to faint it would have been now. and 2) Heaven will be better than this, and I couldn't even imagine it.
The Walk of Fashion

The Family :)

I love Iron Man! My favorite super hero aside from Batman.

We went to see Good Morning America live!

My sister had WAY too much fun at the American Girl store!

We took a picture in the elevator of SAKS, just like our elevator picture in Harrods.

All in all I had a fabulous time! I can't wait to go back!!

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