
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentine's Day Revisited

So I'm not sure if it counts as revisited if I didn't visit it in the first place, but here's my Valentine's Day post quite a bit late... I have a good reason though, I went college visiting! Anyways, back to Valentine's Day.
 I'm wearing warm things because it's still super cold here! My button up shirt was thrifted, the scarf was a gift, tights from Claire's, new shoes from a friend who was cleaning out, and heart earrings from Claire's as well.
 I also made cookies for my friend because I have no craft supplies here so I was forced to bake something. Twist my arm, right?

A different friend sent me this for Valentine's Day, and I had to share.

And yes, this is my favorite Valentine's Day present. Just my favorite One Direction band member, Louis. My sister calls him my "man on a chain." She thinks it's creepy that I carry him around in my purse...
Anyways, Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

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