
Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Style

I am not a football person. I don't understand it, I don't particularly enjoy watching it, and yet I go to the Super Bowl parties. Why? Because I am a social person and I like to eat. Yesterday was no different. I went to the on post youth group's Super Bowl party, and I had a blast! However, because I am not a football person, I had no idea who to root for, and thus what to wear. I obviously do not have a team jersey I can wear! Someone had told me that the two teams were red and purple, and my mother had the fabulous idea of wearing both! 
I am wearing a red long sleeved top, a purple sweater, a black skirt, red tights, purple knee-high socks with red triangles, my wool multi-colored TOMS, my red scarf, and a purple ring that is way too big for any of my fingers so it kept falling off. This picture was taken before I had earrings on, but I was also wearing cute little ladybug earrings. And thus whichever team won, I could technically say I rooted for them by wearing their team colors. :) I also made cookies, because I can't go to a party without making something sweet and they were fabulous, if I do say so myself. I found the recipe on Pinterest (I'm addicted). They were cookie dough on the bottom, then a layer of oreos, then brownies; baked at 350 for 35 minutes. SO RICH. SO GOOD. But be warned, take these somewhere because if you leave them home you will eat them all and gain 20 pounds. I'm not kidding, they are addicting.

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