
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Shoes!!

So I went shopping and bought new shoes!! I also recently got a pair of shoes from a friend so I decided to do a whole post about my new shoes! The best part is now I have five pairs of new shoes and I only spent $30! I love thrift stores!
 Aren't these adorable? Just green flats with a bow on the toe- $4
 These are the ones from a friend; I love them! Super adorable and warm enough to wear in this cold weather!
 I have been looking for navy blue shoes for a REALLY long time and I finally found some for only $4! I actually wore these without tights last Sunday, just because they matched my outfit so well!
 These were the most expensive because they were at a real store, but they were half off! I got them for only $15!

And these are probably my favorite, I LOVE the color! I got them for only $7!

My philosophy of life, found on Pinterest!
 So true, also found on Pinterest! Although here in New York it could be "the act of wearing shoes that will make your feet ridiculously cold just because they look good" :)

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