
Monday, February 4, 2013

January Report Card

Hello everyone! Here is my report card for my goals for January, as well as my new goals for this month. It is a few days late, but what can you do without much internet at your house? 

1) Start the Push-up challenge again: B
I did start, but not until quite a ways into the month, and then we got a gym membership so I have been doing machines there instead of push-ups.

2) Finish packing and moving without complaining: A
I won't lie, this one was really hard. But I think I did alright, and now we're here and everything is good!

3) Complete my next two weight goals: ??
After making this goal and then moving to a different house/state, I realized we didn't bring the scale, so I have no idea where I am for this goal.

4) Try out Zumba and/or Yoga: A+
I have now been to two zumba classes (they meet once a week and I had to get settled before adding anything to the schedule). It is SO FUN! I will definitely continue going.

And now my February goals:

1) Get motivated to do school/don't get behind
2) Go to the gym at least 5 days a week (not including the week-long college trip)
3) Successfully complete the college tour trip
4) Stop being so stressed out

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