
Monday, February 4, 2013

January Joys

Here are January's Joy Dares all in one place. To see them daily you can friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter (@normandyrose)!

1. Little voices praying the Lord's Prayer
2. Rain
3. Conversations with friends
4. The sun
5. Electric heating
6. Chocolate Cheesecake
7. A mom who cares
8. A quiet heart
9. Jokes
10. Thrift Shop treasures
11. New recipes tried
12. Long sleeves on a cold day
13. Texts from friends
14. Room for lots of people
15. A cake rising in the oven
16. My driver's licence
17. Flavored coffee
18. Excitement
19. Butterfly Kisses
20. "I'll buy those shoes for you"
21. "Thank You, God, for corn on the cob"
22. My room before morning
23. Days past
24. Days to come
25. Spencer
26. Tall trees
27. Elsa
28. Pickles
29. Chocolate cookies
30. One last playdate before a long break
31. Rays of sunshine bursting though the clouds
32. Speckled bananas
33. Mac and cheese
34. That it's above 70 in January
35. My bed
36. My puppy
37. Clear skin
38. Lengthening hair
39. Faith
40. Fog
41. Patience
42. Life
43. Colored jeans
44. A smile
45. A new home
46. Snow
47. Productivity
48. Trust
49. White Collar on DVD
50. Meeting new people
51. The library
52. "I will never leave you"
53. "All things work together for those who love God"
54. "Be still and know that I am God"
55. My phone
56. Reunions
57. Our oven
58. Books
59. The design of a snowflake
60. Coat buttons
61. A break from the snow flurries
62. A tall glass of water
63. A number frequently dialed
64. A new library card
65. Proctor information
66. A gym membership
67. Hope
68. Comfort
69. A listening ear
70. Blue skies
71. Yoga pants
72. Waterproofer for my shoes
73. A heavy coat
74. Time to skype with my besties
75. My love for books
76. Waking up slowly
77. Swimming
78. Family time
79. Our kitchenaide mixer
80. The popcorn maker
81. Breakfast for dinner
82. Phone numbers of people who live here
83. A party invitation
84. Other people's opinion
85. The Doctor Who theme song
86. "goodnight"
87. The sun melting the ice
88. Green grass
89. A long run without pain
90. Reruns of The Big Bang Theory
91. Finishing a Physics test
92. Laughing at silly puns
93. Remembering the Dominican Republic

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