
Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Joys

So, I've gotten quite behind this month on my Joy Dare. But I'm catching up today, so here are all the joys from February!

94. A comfy Sweatshirt
95. A puffy vest
96. Plump tomatoes
97. Maps
98. Schedules
99. A menu full of Mexican food
100. Ann Voskamp's beautiful words
101. God's promise to revive the contrite heart
102. A challenge for daily study
103. A child to babysit
104. Reclaimed bobby pins
105. Painted toes
106. Cute scarves
107. Paved Roads
108. A community of Christian ladies
109. Pinterest ideas tried
110. The sound of snow crunching under boots
111. A walk with a dear friend
112. Economics I can understand 
113. Finishing yogurt before it expires
114. Finishing reading a research book
115. Plumbing
116. Washing machines
117. Iron Man pants
118. Peace while taking my midterm
119. an early night
120. Free shoes
121. Cheesy pick up lines between friends
122. Bowling
123. Ridiculous dance moves
124. The sheen of sweat that shows you're working hard
125. Getting a week's worth of physics done in a day
126. Stretching
127. People that are hard to love
128. Stopping the glorification of busy
129. One last writing course
130. Bathrooms
131. My own room
132. A quiet space where I could finish my paper
133. Heat seaters
134. Hugs from my momma
135. When the baby finally falls asleep
136. Sweet people at the library
137. Finding new shoes with a friend
138. Yummy soup
139. Gorgeous sunsets
140. The dry cracked land of Texas
141. Forgotten/Re-found clothes
142. A rested momma
143. The excitement of a gift
144. Ice cream
145. An encouraging email
146. An acceptance letter
147. A well loved recipe
148. Staying in New York
149. A quiet night at home
150. A lovely college visit
151. Extra thick smoothies
152. An unexpected pizza
153. The smell of rice cooking
154. Notebooks
155. My research paper almost done
156. A coffee cup full of frozen blueberries
157. Big fluffy snowflakes
158. Clean laundry
159. Les Mis on repeat
160. Already canned tomatoes
161. Cutting boards
162. A sturdy table
163. A picture drawn just for me
164. God's love on the pages of the Bible
165. A brand new jar of peanut butter
166. Exhaustion after a work out
167. New outfits put together
168. Only bringing two bags to the gym
169. Clear instructions
170. Plans with my sister
171. Remembering funny stories
172. Cleaning my room
173. Old Books
174. Tennis shoes
175. My daddy's love
176. God's already kept promises
177. Being OK after moving

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