
Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm a Little Flower

 Guess what guys...I went shopping on Wednesday! Which means NEW (to me) CLOTHES! Which is pretty much my favorite thing ever, besides spending time with my family and friends, which can be done while shopping, so that's pretty awesome. So I got this dress at one of the thrift stores my mom and I went to for like $6. It reminds me of a flower and will from now on be known as my petal dress. It's getting way cold here (it was in the 30's last night) and the dress is strapless so I had to wear a little sweater (purchased at a garage sale for $0.50) and tights to keep warm. I wanted to pair it with these super cute new heels that I purchased, but I thought that would be too dressy for Bible Study and school, so I went with my silver sparkly TOMS. I'm also wearing my spoon ring (tutorial found here), charm bracelet, treble clef earrings, and black and gray headband. Thoughts?

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