
Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

I'm officially a college student! I'm headed to my very first class this morning! :) Now most people would be worried about homework, or what their professors will be like, or things like that. I'm not too worried about that. But what's been on my mind the past few days is what I'm going to wear to my first day of classes. I had it all figured out until I went shopping yesterday and found these shorts at a thrift store. They're from The Limited. They're brand new. Like the tags were still on them. They were originally $50. I got them for $2. I'm not even kidding you. You should have seen the look on my face when the cashier told me my total. This, my friends, is why you should go shopping all the time. You never know what you'll find just before you need it!

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