
Sunday, August 25, 2013

DIY Frame Calendar

I've seen this floating around Pinterest for a while and have always wanted to try it. I thought it would be really helpful come school, so I made it this past week. I had kind of a lot of setbacks, but I LOVE the finished product! I started with a bunch of frames from thrift stores, probably around 13 frames in all.
I wanted to stick with nuetralish colors, so I could transfer the calendar to my dorm room next fall. I picked black, white, and pink because those are the colors of my room right now. I laid out the frames how I wanted them and decided which frames I wanted which color. 
It was all going perfectly well until I ran out of white paint. No problem, I thought, I'd just go to the store the next day and get it all finished. In the meantime I shellacked the ones I had finished painting and left them outside to dry. Unfortunately, it started pouring down rain and my paint jobs was ruined. 
I had also stacked up all the glass from the frames and they were sitting on the floor in my room. Which is never a good place for glass... I stepped on the pile on accident and cracked my biggest piece of glass. In the end it worked out, I just used a different frame and got everything painted again. Although it took much longer than I thought it would, it looks great and I think it will be really helpful this fall!  

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