
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just a Little Update

So I haven't blogged in what seems like forever and I have so many posts I've been meaning to type out. But I've been so busy I haven't had time! So I thought I'd first give you a little update on my life and what I'm hoping to start in regards to the blog. First of all, I had an AMAZING time in the Dominican Republic. It was better than last year, and I didn't think that was possible. God taught me a lot about trust during the trip, and I'm so glad I got the chance to go. If you want to hear more I'd absolutely LOVE to talk about it; let's get coffee :) I'm already saving money for next year! Which brings me to the next point: jobs. I have one! Exciting, right? I'm got a summer job at a non-profit on post and I'm having a blast! I have been so blessed in this regard since coming back to the states. I was pretty worried about it, but God has bombarded me with answered prayers. It's pretty awesome. And lastly, I have some cool things I'm hoping to do with the blog, starting with a post schedule. Fancy, right? I'm hoping to do a specific food post on Saturdays. I have a really cute idea, but you'll have to wait until Saturday for more details :) So stay tuned, there's lots of fun coming! 
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