
Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

I made this pie on Saturday for father's day on Sunday. My dad's favorite dessert is pecan pie. We have some friends visiting and his favorite dessert is cheesecake. I just happened to have a recipe (thank you, Pinterest!) for both in one pie. Let me just say: this is delicious.

Vanilla Pecan Pie (recipe found here)
Pie Crust
1 8oz Package of Cream Cheese
3 Eggs, Divided
3/4 C Sugar
4 t Vanilla, Divided
1/2 C Corn Syrup
3 T Butter, Melted
1/4 t Salt
2 C Pecan Pieces

Pie Crust for one 9" pie plate:
1 C Flour
1/3 C Shortening
1/2 t Salt
1/8 C Cold Water

I have no idea where this pie crust recipe came from, all I know is we've been using it in my family since before I was baking things. Mix all the ingredients together, roll into a ball and roll out. Transfer to a 9" pie plate.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat cream cheese, one egg, 1/4 C sugar, and 2 t vanilla until fully mixed. Spread evenly over pie crust and bake for 15 minutes. While that's baking beat remaining two eggs and 1/2 C sugar in a large bowl with a whisk until smooth. Add corn syrup, butter, salt, and remaining vanilla and whisk until well blended. Sprinkle the pecans over the cream cheese bottom and slowly pour the corn syrup mixture over them. Bake 35-40 minutes or until just set in the center. Cool completely. Enjoy!

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