
Get to Know the Lady Behind the Curtain

Hi Everyone! So this is me, Normandy :) My life consists of family, school, faith, baking, and shopping. I feel like it will be much easier to tell you about me through pictures, so that's what I will do.

My sister and I are kind of crazy. Our family has a tradition that whenever we see statues we imitate them and take a picture. Tana didn't want to be the dog, though, so she just pet him.. ;)
This is when she and I ran the Color Me Rad 5k last year. It was my first 5k and now I'm running pretty regularly!

I went to the Dominican Republic last summer and had a BLAST! I led music for the children's ministry and it was amazing! And they didn't laugh at my horrible accent while attempting to speak Spanish..

This face pretty much summarizes my entire experience in the Dominican. I had NO IDEA if I would like it and I was super apprehensive. It turned out AWESOME! And I'm going back this summer!

Deleidi and Ary were huge helps with pronunciation and singing! Plus they painted those pictures! They are incredible!

These are "The Clarinets" :) We pretty much hung out all the time while I lived in South Carolina, because we're awesome. Now we skype and 3-way call when we can!
This is my favorite picture of our Clarinet group, so I thought I'd share.

So I can't find a good picture of my whole family or my dog, so I'll keep searching and update this later!


  1. CUTE! So wish I had been this "together" at 17!! What took u to the DR? Was it ur religion? Were u on Mission? Just curious, u seem so grounded for ur age!!

    1. Thank you! I went to the Dominican with my church in Columbia, mainly because two years before my sister had gone to Rwanda and I REALLY wanted to be like her! The year after she went, a group was going and I wanted to but my parents thought I was too young. At the time I was upset, but I am definitely glad I waited. The year after that another group was going and they told me as long as I could raise the money I could go! I was super psyched and had a phenomenal time! We spent a week in Boma doing children's ministry and it was FANTASTIC. I am really excited to go back this year (I'm leaving in just a few weeks!!), but even more excited because this year we're doing teen ministry. I'm so pumped to see what God is going to do this year!


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