
Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's Just Lunch

Hi guys! I'm still alive! I haven't posted anything in forever because I've been so busy with school and work, but I'm getting back on it today! If you hadn't noticed, I've missed the "It's Just Lunch" post three weeks in a row (yesterday being the third week), so I'm making up for it by posting one late, and giving you a lot of dessert recipes this coming week :)
So I started making my own dressing about a year ago and I will never go back! Homemade dressing is so much tastier than store bought. I actually have an entire Pinterest board for dressings.. I'm kind of addicted. Anyway, I made this Raspberry Vinaigrette a while ago when it was still raspberry season. It was gone quite quickly!

 I also have this really awesome dressing container that has recipes on the side of it as well! I got one as a going away gift from a dear friend at church and loved it so much I grabbed another one when I saw it at a yard sale!
Raspberry Vinaigrette (found here)
2 C Raspberry Jam (we made our own fresh but I suppose you can use store bought as well)
1/2 C Rice Wine Vinegar
1/4 C Olive Oil

Mix well and enjoy!
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