
Monday, August 5, 2013

Fresh Raspberry Sorbet

 It's raspberry season! My mom's absolute favorite fruit is raspberries, so when we went and picked bucketfuls the most natural thing to do would be to make raspberry sorbet, right?  I got the recipe from my new "Joy of Cooking" cookbook that my grandma sent me (she's pretty awesome)!

Fresh Raspberry Sorbet
2 t Unflavored Gelatin
1/4 C Cold Water
1 qt Fresh Raspberries
1/4 C Lemon Juice
1 1/3 C Water
3/4 C Sugar
2 Egg Whites

Chill your freezer bowl for at least 24 hours. Dissolve your gelatin in the 1/4 C cold water. Press the berries through a sieve (to remove seeds) and add the lemon juice. Boil 1 1/3 C water and sugar for 10 minutes. Add the gelatin to the hot syrup and dissolve. Cool and add berries. Chill for at least 1 hour. Pour the mixture into your freezer bowl attachment, add the 2 egg whites, and mix for 20-30 minutes.  Mine wasn't as firm as I like it after that time, but my freezer bowl was warming up so I transferred it into a freezer safe container and chilled it until firm. Enjoy!
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