
Monday, July 22, 2013

Fancy Shoes and Fancy Hair

First of all, sprained ankles are no fun at all. The only thing that can make it better is new shoes :)

 I got these shoes yesterday at Target yesterday on sale for only $10. I have actually pinned these shoes before. I was quite proud of myself for finding them for such an affordable price.
 I paired them with my brown polka dot J. Crew skirt, my pink peasant top, brown earrings from a friend, and a super cute brown necklace that I got for cat sitting.

I also found this hair style on Pinterest and decided to try it out. It wasn't that hard, but I don't think it looks quite the same as the picture. I still like it though, and it didn't take too long so I'll probably try it again soon. What do you think?
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  1. Love the hair. And those shoes are amazing. Only $10 for shoes you can wear with everything? Best deal ever. Awesome!!!

    1. Thank you! I'm always one to look for a deal!


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