
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's WARM!

Just a little update on my life because I haven't posted in a while, I'm officially in New York now! And it's WARM!!! For real, it was at least 80 degrees yesterday! I can finally wear something that isn't a sweater! 
 A couple of photos demonstrating my continued lack of selfie ability... But the tree is pretty!

 And then the ones my mom took after I gave up.. :) I'm wearing my long red, white, and blue skirt as a dress with a belt, my red scarf as a vest, and my black wedge flip-flops.
Just so you can see the back. I got this idea from Pinterest (I'm addicted). You fold your scarf in half, then take one folded corner and tie it to the corresponding end and viola! A vest! Hope everyone else is enjoying the weather as much as I am! 

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