
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So I was looking through my pictures and realized that although I wore this outfit a while back, I still hadn't posted it! I suppose this is a good start to my April goal of getting on top of blogging! I'm also researching how to add different side-bars and things like that to my blog, so be on the lookout for some new things coming soon! Anyway, back to the outfit. I like this outfit despite the fact that I threw it on before going last minute prom dress shopping with my friend Gabby. There are some amazing thrift stores here in New York, and I recently got this red blazer at one of them for only $4! I'm also wearing one of the scarves I got in London, rose earrings, black ankle boots, and jeans. Hope you have a great Tuesday! 


  1. Super cute! I love thrifting, too!
    I'm visiting you today from Sugar Bee. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love your makeover!


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