
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Report Card and April Goals

So I am very pleased to announce that I did fantastically on my March Goals!

1) Put $200 towards my trip to the Dominican Republic: A++
I had almost $200 saved before I received birthday money, but afterwards I was able to put in a total of over $400!! I am getting so close now! I can hardly wait until June!

2) Finish English with an A: A+
I was REALLY worried about English because of on grade that I got on the first paper I wrote, but I worked really hard and ended the class with an A! I actually got a 100 on the research paper, which is a really big deal for me, because I often make small grammar mistakes that cost lots of points.

3) Catch up on Economics and Physics: A
After finishing English I had a week or so to get caught up on my other subjects, and I actually stayed motivated! Surprise, I know. :)

4) Run three times a week: B
I was able to keep up with this for the first couple weeks of March, which was great! Then I ran my first 5 mile run for St. Patrick's Day, which was super fun! Unfortunately, because I wasn't used to running that far, I got minor shin splints in my leg, and I had to take a break for the next couple weeks. But I'm better now and will go back to running this month!
Do you like my St Patty's Outfit? The socks are my favorite!
And now for my April Goals:

1) Put $100 towards my trip to the DR (I would say more but I'm going home this month and so I won't be able to work)

2) Don't go crazy waiting for April 16th

3) Keep my room clean; stop just dumping stuff on the extra bed

4) Get on top of blogging! No more of this blog after the fact!

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