
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! It's officially 2013! This year is going to be huge for me: we're moving in a couple weeks, my dad will be deploying in a few months, I'm finishing up Junior year and starting Senior year, I'm looking at and applying to colleges, and hopefully staying sane through it all! I never really stuck with New Year's Resolutions, so I'm changing it up a little bit in two ways. One: I'm participating in The Joy Dare, and will post my gifts monthly here and daily through Facebook and Twitter. Two: I've decided to have monthly goals. I got this idea from a different blog and it seems much more doable than a resolution for the whole year. Each month I will set a couple goals and at the end of the month I'll let you all know how I did. Feel free to keep me accountable!

This month my goals are:
1) Start the push-up challenge again
2) Finish packing and move without complaining
3) Complete my next two weight goals
4) Try out Zumba and/or Yoga

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