
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Tradition

As we close in on Thanksgiving, my family beings our traditions. We (the royal we, aka my dad) always smoke our turkey, which means we have to stay up all night on Wednesday night to make sure the temperature is right. We always start the night with British Comedy shows (they seem to get funnier the older I get), but I usually fall asleep before we get any farther. I think I've seen the first episode of Mulberry about ten times and I still don't know how it ends. Hopefully I'll finally see the end of it tonight! When I was little my dad would pause whatever movie we were watching as soon as my sister and I feel asleep and started it again right before we woke up. I was convinced for years that I had stayed up all night. Although I now know that I fall asleep at night, I'll still take a nap tomorrow morning in between the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Thanksgiving dinner. What are y'all's Thanksgiving traditions?

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