
Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Jeans

Well I'm off to an unsatisfactory start! I'm participating in a project this month called 30 Days of Thanksgiving, where I post something every day that I'm thankful for. I think this is super important because I  am almost never grateful for things throughout the day. I heard of this through a fellow ODPer, and I'm super excited! It's also similar to something a very dear and amazing friend of mine suggested, called a gratitude journal. Hopefully this project of thankfulness will spur on a continual habit of a thankful life. So here's yesterday's picture of what I'm thankful for!
Being the first day I could wear "normal clothes," yesterday I was thankful for jeans. I never knew how amazing it would feel to just wear jeans and a sweater. 
And here's yet another gem from Pinterest. This is so true, and I hope that repeatedly being thankful this month will create in me a thankful heart. See y'all later today for what I'm thankful for today!

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