
Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Friends

It was really hard to decided what I'm thankful for today. Not because I have nothing to be thankful for, but because I have so much. I'm thankful that the SAT is over. I'm thankful for great deals on nude heels. I'm thankful for comfy pants and movies with family. But I'm also really thankful for my friends. So it's kind of cliche to say I was thankful for family yesterday and friends today, but I don't mind being cliche. Friends are awesome. The best kind of friend is the friend who can go shopping, watch movies, eat chocolate, and have deep conversations til the small hours of the morning. The friend who can listen to you vent, or mourn, or cry. I am blessed to have many friends that fit this description, so today I am thankful for friends.

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