
Friday, November 9, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Children

Once again, I am one day late. It seems to be the story of my life, lateness. However, I am thankful for friends and family who forgive that lateness. And I am also thankful for children. Specifically the children in the picture below. Yesterday was Thursday, which is Classical Conversations day for me. I teach the three and four year old class. They are the most adorable children you will ever see. There are nine of them. It is incredibly hard to get them all looking at the camera at once. And I love them. They draw me pictures. I tell them stories and play the alligator game with them. Because of this class, Wesley is no longer afraid of fire trucks and Nate knows that his name starts with N. I am incredibly sad that I won't be able to teach them second semester. I will miss these children dearly, and a little selfish part of me hopes that they will miss me too. I am so very thankful for these children.

From Left to Right: Kyle, Wesley, Nate, Mary Pinckney, Solveig, Elizabeth, Eliot, Rebekah, Lily, me

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