
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Thirty-One

It's the last day!! I get to wear normal clothes tomorrow! I can't tell you how excited I am to wear jeans and a sweater. But, I went out with a bang, wearing TWO outfits with the dress today. One for the day time, and one as my Halloween costume.
 The first is me with fellow ODPer Melanie. I'm wearing the dress, a black sweater over top, a pink scarf, black boots, and black cat earrings.
The second is me with my sister, both in our Halloween costumes. She's Woody (from Toy Story), and I'm Amelia Pond (from Doctor Who). I'm wearing the dress pinned up to be a mini skirt, black tights, a gray cami, a red shirt, a brown jacket, and cowboy boots. Happy Halloween and last day of the October Dress Project everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Thirty

I can't believe how cold it is outside!! I'm freezing to death and I'm wearing three layers! I can't wait to wear jeans and sweaters again! One more day, just one more!
Today I wore the dress, a long-sleeved red shirt under it, a plaid shirt over it, a silver bracelet, and the traveling earrings. (in the picture I'm wearing red earrings, but I had forgotten about the traveling earrings, so now I've changed.) When I go out I'll be wearing black boots. See y'all tomorrow for the last day of the October Dress Project!

Monday, October 29, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Nine

It is FREEZING! Well, I'm not sure how cold it is outside, but my house is cold. Therefore, today's outfit is for warmth, rather than style! You should have seen the first picture of this outfit. I was pretending to curtsy and the whole wideness effect made me look quite large... I found that putting my hands on my hips is a much better pose when wearing a poncho.
Today I'm wearing the dress and a poncho my grandma made me when I was nine. It was more like a dress back then, I think. That's all I did today though, because if I go anywhere it will be to the library to get "The Book Thief," which is waiting for me. Hurray for lazy days!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Eight

Hello Everyone! Today was super busy (driving home from Charlotte, babysitting, church, then babysitting again, now I'm doing school!), so my outfit was pretty simple. I can't believe there's only three days left! The month has FLOWN past.
Today I wore the dress, a black and white striped shirt/dress over, purple shoes, a purple scarf, and a black headband. I didn't end up wearing the scarf all day because most of the day was spent either driving or babysitting.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Seven

Hello Everyone! Here I am again, still at my sister's school which is why I'm typing this post at one in the morning. I had forgotten to take this picture until midnight, and we were about to go play wiffle ball. My sister (who was taking the picture) says "just make your 'I'm about to go play wiffle ball at midnight for the first time ever' face," and this is the face I came up with. Therefore, this is the face you get...
Today I wore the dress, a red and gray (and a little bit of sparkly silver and pink) striped sweater, silver sparkly TOMS, the traveling earrings, and a black headband. I seriously did look cute before it was the middle of the night, I promise. See y'all tomorrow (or today, rather...)!

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Six

Hello Everyone! Sorry I'm late for yesterday, but I'm visiting my sister in college and we were a little busy. I'm doing this post while all the college kids are asleep! :) Here's what I wore yesterday.
I wore the dress, an orange/nude/gray striped top over, the traveling earrings (see day twenty-five), and my nude flats (see my post about these shoes here). I'll be back later today to tell y'all what I'm wearing. Until then!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Five

As of today there are only six days left! I'm excited and sad at the same time. But, I think it's super easy to be sad before you have access to your entire closet again. Come next Thursday, I think I'll be celebrating!
Today I wore the dress, a white skirt over top (fun fact about this skirt: the first time I wore it my dad said "the next time you wear that slip wear a skirt over top." then my mother told him it was a skirt... He still doesn't like it!), a white tank top underneath, a black scarf, black slipons, and the same black headband from yesterday. Also, this is the first time I have the traveling earrings!! My friends Rachel and Lindsay and I decided that we were going to start traveling earrings (inspired by "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"), and so this week and next week I have them! I'm super excited that I get to wear them with my dress! Two things I love together. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Four

Just one week left! It's crazy how fast the time has gone! I've actually already worn this outfit outside of October, but I liked it so I'm wearing it again!
I'm wearing the dress, a red and black plaid dress over top, silver/black earrings, a black headband, and when I was out I wore my red TOMS. The red and black dress is too short to wear by itself, so something always has to go under it. Usually I wear jeans or leggings under it, but recently I thought, why not a dress? So anyways, that's what I wore for day twenty-four. :) See y'all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Three

Patterns, patterns, patterns!! Y'all already know I love zebra print, but here's another fun fact: I love England! I've been there twice and it's one of my dreams to open a bakery/bookshop in downtown London. Oh, and marry a ginger Englishman so I can have adorable ginger English babies. But anyway...

Today was pattern day. I LOVE putting patterns on top of each other! So I'm wearing the dress, my union jack scarf, a zebra print sweater (fun fact about this sweater: I picked it out in the resale shop and my mom thought it was going to be awful, but when I tried it on she really liked it!), zebra print sequin shoes, zebra print white earrings, and a black bow headband. So that's all for day twenty-three, see you guys tomorrow! :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-Two

There are only nine days left! It makes me a little sad that I won't be wearing my dress in a little over a week. I've really enjoyed putting outfits together! Anyways, enough with the sappy stuff. Here's what I wore for day twenty-two.
Today I wore the dress, a yellow, gray and black top over, a black headband, and bright yellow heels. I thought the yellows were more similar to one another, but looking at the picture my heels look super bright!

I'm super excited today because my friend Meg is taking pictures of me for her photography class. It's going to be super fun! :) See y'all tomorrow!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty-One

Lots to talk about today! First is what I wore to church today:
I wore the dress, a super long gray and pink skirt that was an absolute steal at Old Navy. I seriously got about $100 worth of stuff for $10 with coupons, gift cards, and clearance. I also wore a pink undershirt, gray sweater (free!), silver hoop earrings, and a giant pink flower in my hair. Also shown is my awesome grandma (I kept asking her if she wanted to be in the picture, I guess she got tired of my pestering her...). Oh, also I'm wearing black heels, but you can't see them because the skirt is too long.

Alright, next topic: shopping! I went shopping with my family today (mom, grandma, and sister). Both my sister and I got black shoes. "Aw," you say, "y'all are so similar!" Um, let's evaluate what shoes each of us bought...

Maybe you can guess whose are whose?

On another note, I bedazzled my Color Me Rad sunglasses today with my grandma's help! I took the rhinestones from a shirt my sister bought (she obviously didn't want them on her shirt and was going to throw them away!! Well I couldn't let that happen! I had to save those poor rhinestones!) Anyways, that's all I did today, I love lazy Sundays, you get the most done.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Twenty

There's only eleven days left!!! I can hardly believe it! Today I ran the Color Me Rad Race and went to the fair with my family. It was a super fun (but exhausting) day. Here's what I wore for day twenty!
 I didn't wear the dress to run the race because I didn't want color on it for the last eleven days, but I did wear it to the fair! I added the Color Me Rad t-shirt (I ordered an adult medium, it's a little smaller than I thought it would be...), colorful heart earrings, tons of bangles, and a colorful flower headband. Also my RAD temporary tattoo! :)
My sister's going to kill me for putting this on the internet, but this is my favorite picture ever. I had SO MUCH FUN at the race!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Nineteen

Hello Everyone! My sister's home from college! Plus my grandmother is in town and my dad's on a retreat so we celebrated by making pumpkin donuts! Anyways, we were going to go to the fair today, but unfortunately all the parking was full so we couldn't go.

 So today I wore the dress, a teal top over, teal and black knee high socks (I love socks!!) and black flats. I ended up taking it off early though because I didn't want to get grease on it from the donuts, which were delicious.
And tomorrow I run the Color Me Rad 5k! I'm super duper excited!! :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Eighteen

Hello all! Today's day eighteen, I'm getting close to the end! Lots of exciting stuff happened today! I took my final for English so I'm finally done with that horrible class, I've caved in to peer pressure and got a twitter, and my grandma's in town so I get to hang out with her! :)
So today I'm wearing the dress, a gray top from my grandma (fun fact about this top: I wore it on the plane to London and set off every metal detector because of the buttons and buckles), silver sparkly TOMS, a black scarf (originally $28, I got it a thrift store for $3) and silver jingly earrings. Plus my adorable dog Hank. :) See y'all tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Seventeen

Hello Everyone! Here's what I wore for day seventeen. Photo credit to my awesome grandma who flew in this morning! :)

So I'm wearing the dress with a teal tank top under it and a black printed top over. I'm also wearing blue circle earrings and black wedge flip flops. So that's all, see y'all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Sixteen

So I thought it was freezing today, so I wore a scarf and a sweater, only to find out when I went out that it was actually a decent temperature outside. I ended up only wearing the scarf because it was just too warm to wear the sweater!
 So I'm wearing the dress with a purple sweater (when I got this sweater my sister looked at it like "oh my word, you're really going to try that on?" but now she likes it), a purple scarf my mom made for me yesterday, purple earrings from my aunt and uncle, and super old purple wedges. I also have a little purple flower in my hair, but you can't see it. So that's day sixteen, only fifteen days left!!

And here's yet another gem found on Pinterest. I totally agree, wear what you think looks good, not what some random person says looks good!

Monday, October 15, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Fifteen

So, I wasn't doing anything today, just staying home and doing school. So day fifteen was pretty boring. On a happy note, I'm halfway through! Just fifteen and a half days left! 
 Here I am with the dress and a red Belmont Abbey shirt on. If I go out I'll wear my red TOMS.

On another note, I thought I'd make a confession. Last year when I was doing the October Dress Project, I got really jealous about halfway through of the people that "got" to wear other things. I thought they looked cuter than me, and that made me pretty mad. On Pinterest today, I saw this and realized how true it is. If I stopped comparing myself to people I could stop being jealous! See, Pinterest isn't all bad!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Fourteen

I call today Color Bomb! I absolutely love this combination, probably because I'm in general a loud and colorful person.

I'm wearing the dress as a shirt with a thrifted skirt over top (probably $6). A free fuzzy blue sweater, a yellow necklace from my sister's trip to Rwanda, green earrings from my Uncle Jon, a pink cami, pink tights, and thrifted blue heels complete the look!

Also, as a side note, I was browsing Pinterest today (I'm addicted, I should be in Pinterest Rehab...) and I saw this picture. Basically, this is the best definition of style! It should be who YOU are, not who random famous people think you should be.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Thirteen

I didn't have much to do today, so the dress was pretty simple! 
 Just a white undershirt, polka-dot hoop earrings, and the dress tucked into a "skirt" that's actually shorts.
See? It's really shorts! Nobody believes me without proof!

October Dress Project: Day Twelve

One day late, sorry guys! I went to the fair yesterday with the dress. You can tell from the picture that I got a little sunburned, it didn't occur to me that just because it was cold didn't mean that it wouldn't still be sunny! Many thanks to my fabulous photographer of the day, Sarah!
I'm wearing the dress, even though I was going to the fair to ride rides, including upside down ones... I decided leggings would definitely be in order. Gray sweater, white undershirt, gray leggings, white knee-high converse, gray knee-high socks (with buttons!) under the shoes, and silver hoop earrings. It was so fun! I love the fair!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Eleven

So I was away from my normal photographers (mom, dad, and sister), so my amazing friend Carolanne took my picture today. She's much more into taking pictures, so this one was posed. (as if that's not obvious...) 
Anyways, today was another babysitting day, so I wanted to be functional but fun. I also didn't have very much time to get ready so it doesn't go very well together... I'm wearing The Dress, my TeenPact shirt (yes, I'm a proud convert), a necklace my sister got me in Rwanda, mismatched knee-high socks (see my post about socks here), converse from my Grandma Sharon, and earrings that I actually bought full price (shock and awe, I know)! What are your thoughts on Day Eleven?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Ten

Today it was FREEZING in the morning, but it warmed up in the afternoon so I was glad I wore layers!

I'm wearing: the dress, a gray tank top, red tights (on sale for $3), a gray and red sweater (free!), gray owl earrings, black boots from my Grandma Sharon, and a black hat from my Grandma Deb. (I LOVE my Grandmas!!) So there you have it, day ten!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Nine

Is anyone up North missing some weather? Come take it back, I'm tired of being freezing!! I had to wear fur boots and a jacket today! Anyways, here's day nine!
Who says you can't wear brown and black together? Not me! I've actually loved the combination ever since I saw someone pair them at a funeral, but this is my first attempt! I'm wearing my fur boots which I scored at a yard sale for less than ten bucks, a brown Loft jacked I recently got at a thrift store for fifteen dollars, an ear warmer made by my darling Grandma Sharon, black tights for warmth, brown earrings, and the dress. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Eight

I had a little unexpected inspiration today: The rain! And rain means umbrellas and rain boots! :)

I tucked the dress into some skinny jeans, pulled my rain boots on added some jewelry (pink necklace, pink bracelet, pink earrings), and donned my rain hat courtesy of Amy. The umbrella (kind of courtesy of Amy, the first one was, but then the mean airport people from the Dominican Republic took it and my mom bought me a new one) completes the look! I love the rain! :) See Melanie? An umbrella is definitely a valid accessory! Photo credit goes to my lovely sister who surprised my by coming home today!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Seven

Today was the first day I wore the dress to church, so I wanted to make it special! :)

As many of you know, I LOVE Zebra Print! So I wore my Zebra skirt with the dress tucked in so it looks like a shirt. I also wore polka dotted tights, a cross necklace, a black beanie with a pink flower pinned on, and my glasses. (No, they're not real. They're just for fashion!) Oh, and also my classic black heels! Thoughts?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Six

So here we are at day six: the dress, and nothing but the dress! I'm not going anywhere today so I didn't want to waste a cute outfit if no one was going to see me!
You can't see it very well, but the necklace I'm wearing matches the colors of the rest of my accessories. Out come the orange shoes again! (I promise I have more shoes than this... they've just matched two outfits) Blue earrings and a purple tank top underneath. Tomorrow's my first church day with the dress, tune in to see what I came up with! :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Five

Hello Everyone! Here's what I wore for day five!
It was going to be an active day playing with kids so I didn't want to just wear the dress. So I wore jeans and pink accessories! Feather earrings, a pink bracelet from Uganda courtesy of my lovely friend Amy, a necklace that I've had for about three years and I've never worn, a pink tank-top, and pink flats. See you tomorrow! :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Four

 So here's what I wore for day four! (See what I did there?) ;)
It was a pretty boring day, just a t-shirt over top and a pair of orange flats. I'm also wearing a blue flower in my hair and my neon heart earrings. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Dress Project: Day Three

Hello! :) Here's what I wore for day three!

Today I wore my polka dotted skirt over top of the dress so it looked like a skirt and a shirt. I matched the colors of the polka dots to the under shirt and my earrings. You can't see it in the picture but I also have a little blue flower in my hair. I wore my silver sandals so you could see the henna tattoo on my foot. 

October Dress Project: Day Two

So here's day two, one day late...

It was pretty boring, just a t-shirt thrown over top and a pair of red earrings. I'm also wearing a red beaded bracelet and a silver charm bracelet. Plus my puppy Hank, who makes everything cuter!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Dress Project: Day One

So, today is the first day of October and therefore the first day of the October Dress Project! I'm so excited about this year! Last year I chose a red dress, and towards the end of the month it was pretty difficult to find things that went with red. So this year I picked simple black. Anything goes with black! So here's day one!

So the actual dress is black, and here I'm wearing a black and white sweater over top, a black and white necklace, bangles, and pearl earrings. Earlier today I wore my black beanie, but it got too hot so I had to take it off. Tune in tomorrow for more October Dress Project Updates! :)